
Organizing R&D

FI Group has developed a full package to support companies in innovation, focusing on key strategic factors for success. We provide consulting & services on 4 pillars of Innovation:

  • Organization
    • Ensure that the Innovation process is in adequation with the company & people
  • Innovation Culture
    • Innovation Culture is not only told, but shall be impersonated by the people
  • R&D&I structuration
    • Innovation must be supported by tools & process to drive and reach success.
  • Innovation field
    • Design & workspace animation. A physical place dedicated to Innovation, co-construction & collaborative work.

Why organize and look for R&D structuration?

An efficient organization maximizes chances and speed of success. Every company must set up a specific, efficient organization to:

  • Accelerate projects
  • Capitalize & manage knowledge
  • Share best practice
  • Build up notoriety and employer brand
  • Maximize financial levers: private & public R&D funding

Another positive side effect, implementing an innovation culture will boost your talents and strengthen team spirit. An efficient R&D organization will enable you to better plan your strategic projects and detect every growth opportunity.


Drive R&D projects

Our experts can audit your innovation performance, focusing on your specific environment and challenge. This audit will lead to an improvement plan. Every step is collaborative, guarantying satisfaction and adequation. We proceed in 2 steps: Analyze of your innovation strategy, and KPIs, tools and action plan definition.

A place to innovate?

FI Group expertise

Based on 20 years of experience in R&D public funding consulting, we bring to our customers tailored support on their innovation strategies, insights on the definition of their objectives, until the operational implementation of the action plan. With a presence in more than 20 countries worldwide, we combine our innovation consultancy service with a support in R&D public funding strategies, adapted to local law & tax systems.