Initially created in 2004, the Young & Innovative Company status has been created to support the creation of highly qualified jobs.
Every independent SME with less than 8 years of existence, an engaging 15% or more of their expense in R&D can apply for the JEI status.
A Young & Innovative Company can benefit from Corporate Tax & social contribution exoneration.
This status is not automatic, so companies shall either auto-declare themselves, or apply for a formal notice to the Ministry of Research.
The status gives benefits on a tax level:
The status is compatible with R&D Tax Credit.
Eligibility criteria are identical for Young & Innovative Companies (JEI) and R&D Tax Credit, so JEI status is a strong R&D indicator to secure your claims.
If the status is obtained through a formal application, the ministry will have reviewed your projects, proving your good faith. However, validating a JEI Status is not a guarantee for the validation of your potential R&D Tax Credit claims.